EVENTSWe will be closed Monday February 17th for President's Day. All items will automatically be renewed.
We are open to the public, we ask that all patrons using the library please sanitize their hands and wear a mask if experiencing symptoms of the flu or Covid. Curbside delivery is available, please call ahead and request your titles, no personal shopping will be available except for Books on Wheels patrons. Program reminders for those registered: STEAM Club Mondays in February-May other than during the Holidays from 3-4pm. Darlene Horst will lead the Gregory Auxiliary Book Club discussion on March 11th on the book Lessons In Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus at 1:30pm. Wish List for programs, materials needed are as follows- 1. Tan sandpaper 2. Q-tips 3. Hand sanitizer 4. Construction paper 5. Amazon gift cards 6. Clorox wipes 7. Paper Towels 8. Card stock paper any colors (especially Primary and white) 9. Cases of water 10. Garbage Bags 11. Felt 12. Legos 13. Mod Podge 14. Bleach 15. Acrylic Craft Paint 16. Snacks for youth programs Thank you! These 24x36 inch historical banners are now available at the library for a minimum donation of $20 to the Gregory County Historical Society.
Gregory/Dallas Chamber Events
If you need some tech help you may reserve a library staff member for a one-on-one session OR follow one of the links below for free online self-paced learning! Either way, we are here to help you feel comfortable in the digital world.
112 E. 5th Street Box 306 Gregory, SD 57533
PHONE: 605-835-8531 EMAIL: [email protected]
PHONE: 605-835-8531 EMAIL: [email protected]
The mission of the Gregory Public Library is to welcome members of the community of all ages; to select, acquire, organize and preserve materials geared to the popular interests of the community it serves; to support and encourage children and adults alike in their enjoyment of reading and lifelong learning.